my best friend

my best friend
her name is saylor, and she'll love you no matter what.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

it's time. 26.2 is here!

Ok, so I can NOT believe race weekend is here. It's pretty much the only thing that has been on my mind the past 8 months. I have such race jitters it is driving me nuts! I haven't slept well all week, been late to work, and only been able to concentrate about 10 minutes at a time..before I start thinking about what to expect on the course. errghh I mean, planning my survival method. I've heard the first marathon is the easiest, because you have no expectations. So, I'm keeping all mine to a minimum...
I'm confident that I'll be fine, I haven't slacked TOO much on my training. I mean those long runs sucked, but I'd like to quote a famous marathon coach, Bill Squires: "The long run puts the tiger in the cat".
 So, meow bitch's time.
Race day construction has been going on all week, finish line bleachers are up, tents are it just needs to be 8:00 AM Sunday. Tomorrow I am going to the Health/Fitness Expo to pick up my packet..that will solidify everything...that I am actually running a MARATHON folks!!! Don't think I will forget my 26.2 sticker..I mean that's why people run these things right?! I'll be checking back in Monday to update everyone of my race. I'm sure I'll have either texted, skyped, facebooked, g-chatted, or mobile uploaded some sort of crazy story but... Monday I'll give the play by play action.  If I happen to cross your mind this Sunday, please wish me luck and give me a big kick in the rear..I'll need it! I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!!

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