I love working out. It's what I look forward to after a tough day at work, it's where I can go and get in my zone. There is no better feeling than finishing a bad ass spin class and walking out, sweating more than the pro-arena football players that frequent my gym, although I still haven't quite figured out what their workouts entail. They tend to socilaize and let their eyes roam. That could be very well why the NFL hasn't exactly been calling. Like I said, I get in my zone and go, but however I do notice some funny little quirks that don't so much bother me, but make me chuckle. Let's review:
1. Girls, this is not happy hour. I don't quite understand the social draw of the gym. I don't go there to buy a hot guy next to me a shot of whiskey. I'm there so that next time I'm at the bar, he's buying me the shot of whiskey. SO there is nothing more annoying than giggling 25 year old girls walking around trying to look cute, I think I did that when I was 12.
2. The strange collection of workout gear. I get it, I love a cute running outfit as much as the next girl. But I don't match my hair ties, shoes, water bottle and socks. I also don't wear leotards, with matching skirts. The other night, I also saw this chick who was (not kidding you) walking on the treadmill in jeggings. For those of you that don't know, jeggings are the newest little gem in fashion. Leggings, made out of denim. However, they aren't mean for sweating it out on the treadmill. That in no way can be comfortable. And jeggings are not friendly to sweat. gross.
3. There is nothing more intrusive to my workout, than a guy on the treadmill next to me constantly looking over at what my speed is, then increasing his, by 8. He's then holding on for dear life, pretty much not touching the treadmill with his toes. Now I just know you are an idiot, you are risking falling and hurting yourself. I don't think I'd care enough to help you up. I'd probably laugh, then get someone to help you up.
4. My last gym pet peeve, cell phones. I came to the gym to get away from work and life's stresses. I didn't come to listen to why that offer on the house didn't go through. If I have my headphones in, and I can still hear you...that's an issue. I don't care that it's a competitive market and you were SURE you'd get your dream home...
So why am I writing this post of complaints? Well, a good friend of mine belongs to this gym that has what is called a LUNK ALARM. At first, I wasn't a believer. But then when I found out what it did, I was hooked. I think every gym should have a LUNK ALARM, and if you are there, being a douche bag...you should getting lunked. I love a good work out, and I may grunt a little on a tough ass hill in spin class or that last extra squat, but by no means do I do this:
For your enjoyment, the LUNK: